Tuesday, September 3, 2024

#KUMU download mo na, gow!

 KUMUsta Mars! Eto na nga ang latest nagbabaga pa! lol 

I know the trend nowadays is all about socmed (Social Media) agree? Gone are the days of MySpace, Friendster, blastoff and kung ano pang anek anek na wala na now. Mostly, TikTok, IG, FB, SnapChat and my favorite is #Kumu because it makes me feel at home. It's an up made in the Philippines for the Pinoys & Pinays not just in the Philippines but all over the world. As we know there are millions of OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers), KUMU helps Filipinos connect everywhere in the world. Chat live on audio streaming, group streaming and solo. Discover it yourself and when you do download it make sure to follow me, okay? I'm @pangethsya on KUMU watch some of my klips. 

Kumu Xmas ID 2023

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

eehhhmmmm back! :-D

 Wow! it's been foreverrrrrr....lol!

KUMUsta mga Charing? Well, Charing now evolved to MARITES (Master of Arts In Relaying Information Through Exaggerated Storytelling) in short "MARE ano ang latest?" bwahahaha! Enjoy some of the clips below 


Mosang is a very good friend of Charing's writer it's a trutolyfstori lol!


It's good to be back y'all! I'll make sure to blog about it from now on. A lot has changed and a lot had happened and we're still HERE! We'll be getting stronger than ever! 

'tara mga MARE...arat! ahahaha! :-D

Monday, December 14, 2009

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010

"It might be too early to write that." Charing said.
"Too early? If we don't write it now, by the time we do it will be 2010." I replied laughing.

She said this would be a long one to blog about because of a lot of things that had happened since the last time we posted something and I agree with her. So, I asked her to choose the best story of all time for her. She gave me a very interesting look and told me to start typing and she said this is the rule, whenever you feel like stopping let me know. She told me that the story she's about to tell is something I can relate to, she said she doesn't really want me to write this but its very timely and a lot of woman go through her situation but most of the time never get out of it alive.
I look at Charing and told her "You are already giving me goosebumps." and gave her a little smile. She asked me if I want to continue and I strongly answered "YES Please." She told me that we have to write her stories in ACTS like a stage play, I laughed.
Morgan is the main character of the play, she's a happy go lucky type of girl but very brilliant. She's gorgeous, she won the title "Miss Friendship and Best in Swimsuit" when she competed in a beauty contest when she was in college. She has a bachelors degree in business major in Tourism. She's a little bit liberated but hard to get. Her colorful life started while in college, because she's beauty and brain, a lot of guys are all over her. She has a lot of suitors most of them just want to get in her pants. But like I said she's hard to get.
She had a perfect idea, she talked to one of her gay friend his name is Gil they agreed that they will pretend to be BF and GF so no one can court her. It worked! She was able to focus on her studies but the adventure never fail to miss her. She was doing a research paper for her sociology class, and she was waiting for her research partner to show up in their meeting place when she met a guy, his name is Cooch they started talking introducing each other and why they were there. Its been 2 hours now and her research partner still not there yet, seems like they misunderstood each other as to where exactly they'll be meeting.
Cooch's friend already arrived but Morgan still waiting, she told Cooch to go ahead and that she'll be fine waiting there but Cooch is not wanting to leave her there by herself. Its been 4hrs now, the longest time Morgan patiently wait for someone, she's very impatient when it comes to waiting. If you are not there 30mins after the said meetup she usually leaves. She decided she can't wait any longer, Cooch invited her to come with him and attend a session, she was so naive and curious about what the session is all about so she went with them. It was only a block away from where she's supposed to be meeting her research partner.
ACT 2 ......to be continued

Friday, October 9, 2009

A cup of 'Chai Spice' black tea

I know...I know, its been awhile...I took a little break. Even Charing is starting to stay quiet and almost don't want to tell me anymore stories. Our last posting was all happiness and excitement about this new social networking,shopping and all-in-1 launchpad called 'BLASTOFF'. I still am excited about BLASTOFF, in fact last Oct 12 at noon CST, it officially BLASTOFF.

I guess it always happens that when there is a lot of positive energy coming I tend to forget that a negative energy is on its way to balance the surroundings. Sure thing a lot of things happened for the past three weeks or so that I've been absent from this blog. I'm still sorting which one is negative & which one is positive but what's more important is its like a cup of 'Chai Spice'' black tea that I'm sipping while listening and typing at the same time about Charings stories.

She told me about Jayne's story, she's very young about 26yrs old and a single mom. She probably would have a lot of good stories to tell her 4yrs old daughter if she would have lived longer. Sad, isn't it? But that's the reality of life. All good things can disappear in a second or a minute. The bad part of her story was she didn't die of natural cause, she was shot and the suspects are still at-large. Although her family has an idea on who might have done it, it will probably take a long time before that person will be put in jail. Especially, knowing the slow and outdated justice system we have in the Philippines that most crimes remain cold case for a very long time. Charing said she's following the story of Jayne, so she'll update us about it when something new comes up.
The main point of our story here is that the bullet shot that killed the life of that young girl happened in a blink of an eye. Jayne was a nursing student and wanting to continue to be an OB-GYN doctor, now all of those are gone. What will happen to her daughter is up to her siblings and parents. This is only one of thousands of sad stories that we often see on the street that wish we can stop, but how? I've been asking Charing same question and her respond to me was "I'm too old and too far to do something". She said the best contribution she can do is to tell the story and hopefully someone we'll be able to read it and possibly be able to do something or learn something that when they're face in such situation they will be able to prevent it.
We decided to finish drinking our 'Chai Spice' black tea and hope the next story would be a happy one.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Social Network Age to BLASTOFF

With the new and changing technology nowadays, even Charing was telling me she will be obsolete herself even before she leave the physical world. I agree myself, I'm glad they don't have these when I was in High School or College, otherwise I'll be more pain to my parents. LOL!

Anyway, with all these new technology social networking, chat and gaming seems to be the hottest trend, Myspace, Facebook, Orkut, twitter and so many other. Well, I frequent facebook more than any other social network but with this new internet launchpad with social network included not to mention that you'll earn EXTRA MONEY being part of it, I believe I'll be stuck on BLASTOFF.

Its so much FUN to have, if you will see the picture (sorry its a little blurry I did that on purpose) on the left, you can watch video, read the news, games, networking, shopping and much more! This will be the HOTTEST TREND globally. Fortunately, it was pre launch exclusively to Pre-Paid Legal(PPL) Associates, which I'm glad to be one of them, it means I get to setup myblastoff and invite my friends before the world can sign up.

Guess, you would want to be my friend and Charing's friend now too, don't you? Here is a video for more info.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Charings view about 'On the Canvas of Society'

Aside from Facebook, Charing and I are a big fan of YouTube and this video really caught her attention.
Its very sad video isn't it? Charing said she can't but be thankful that she was able to change the life of her kids, even though she felt like it was late but at least she was able to do a little bit of her part to better the life of her kids.

She said they used to live in one of those shanty house right next to the railroad, they're know in the Philippines as 'Home Along da Riles', she remembered the time when she feels like there was earthquake everytime a train will pass by. She wakes up every 5 hours that's the schedule of the train, almost no sleep for her.

Amazing how life of a person can change in a blink of an eye, sometimes it happens when you least expect it. It just shows that patience is virtue.

'Stories over coffee' - A Tribute to my friend -Ikoy (Last Part)

Sorry it took me awhile to finish my story, I think Charing and I drank more than 8cups of coffee that day :-) Anyway, let's finish it.

After the devastating Katrina that I was so lucky to get Ikoy’s first hand experienced, I didn’t hear from him until I believe after 6months or so. And after so long, his next news is another bad news…he was caught by the immigration officer and that he is facing deportation charges and his health was really deteriorating, aside from his diabetes, he is suffering from another sickness that is just wearing him down. He said he cant go to the hospital because its too expensive. But he said there were people that are very kind to help him and thats what he was thankful about. That was the last time I heard from him. I tried calling him again but his cellphone number has changed.

Then last November, I received a voice mail from a Filipina asking me if I'm related to Ikoy and to return her call. I called her and told her that I'm not related to Ikoy but his a good friend of mine back in Palau. She said Ikoy passed away and that they found my number in the phonebook of his cellphone. I did what I can to contact his relatives in Palau. The Filipina can't shipped his remains because he was undocumented and his passport was expired. She had to get a travel document and other release papers from the hospital, the state and the Philippine Embassy. I can imagine the times she spent and paper works she has to deal with just to send his remains back home. I admire that Filipina, she did all she can to send Ikoy's ashes back to his family, she's not even related to him. It took almost two months before Nanay Susan (Ikoy's Mom) received his ashes through FedEx, it was sad but atleast his home.

The thing I will never forget about him was he always have the smile and his sweet laugh that inspite of all the hardship his been through, he always keeps the positive spirit in him. He is a true survivor, he will never give up…’till he cant anymore.

To you my dear friend….IKOY, rest in peace and know in your heart, somewhere along your life journey you’ve touched other people’s heart (I’m one of them), I wish we’ve seen each other before you said goodbye to the physical world. May you continue your training and maybe next life time we will meet again my friend.

Charing made a good point when she said 'I wonder how many more Ikoy are here in the U.S., undocumented, working hard, getting paid under the table and will be sent home in a box through FedEx or other form of postal service.?'