Monday, December 14, 2009
Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010
Friday, October 9, 2009
A cup of 'Chai Spice' black tea
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Social Network Age to BLASTOFF

Guess, you would want to be my friend and Charing's friend now too, don't you? Here is a video for more info.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Charings view about 'On the Canvas of Society'
'Stories over coffee' - A Tribute to my friend -Ikoy (Last Part)
Sorry it took me awhile to finish my story, I think Charing and I drank more than 8cups of coffee that day :-) Anyway, let's finish it.
After the devastating Katrina that I was so lucky to get Ikoy’s first hand experienced, I didn’t hear from him until I believe after 6months or so. And after so long, his next news is another bad news…he was caught by the immigration officer and that he is facing deportation charges and his health was really deteriorating, aside from his diabetes, he is suffering from another sickness that is just wearing him down. He said he cant go to the hospital because its too expensive. But he said there were people that are very kind to help him and thats what he was thankful about. That was the last time I heard from him. I tried calling him again but his cellphone number has changed.
Then last November, I received a voice mail from a Filipina asking me if I'm related to Ikoy and to return her call. I called her and told her that I'm not related to Ikoy but his a good friend of mine back in Palau. She said Ikoy passed away and that they found my number in the phonebook of his cellphone. I did what I can to contact his relatives in Palau. The Filipina can't shipped his remains because he was undocumented and his passport was expired. She had to get a travel document and other release papers from the hospital, the state and the Philippine Embassy. I can imagine the times she spent and paper works she has to deal with just to send his remains back home. I admire that Filipina, she did all she can to send Ikoy's ashes back to his family, she's not even related to him. It took almost two months before Nanay Susan (Ikoy's Mom) received his ashes through FedEx, it was sad but atleast his home.
The thing I will never forget about him was he always have the smile and his sweet laugh that inspite of all the hardship his been through, he always keeps the positive spirit in him. He is a true survivor, he will never give up…’till he cant anymore.
To you my dear friend….IKOY, rest in peace and know in your heart, somewhere along your life journey you’ve touched other people’s heart (I’m one of them), I wish we’ve seen each other before you said goodbye to the physical world. May you continue your training and maybe next life time we will meet again my friend.
Charing made a good point when she said 'I wonder how many more Ikoy are here in the U.S., undocumented, working hard, getting paid under the table and will be sent home in a box through FedEx or other form of postal service.?'
Sunday, August 23, 2009
'Stories over coffee' - A Tribute to my friend -Ikoy
It was a usual afterwork ‘tambayan’ (hang-out place in tagalog) behind Uncle Joe’s auto shop, the ’Bulabog’ barkada usually get together. It was one of those get together night that I first met Ikoy, I wasn’t close to him yet at that time.
I remember when I first met him (Ikoy), I didnt really like him, although I’m usually attached right away to gays because I have a lot of gay friends in Pinas, with the line of work that I was in (TV Production), I worked with gay people,as a matter of fact a good friend of mine “Greg” (I wonder how he’s doing?) is gay. But Ikoy was different, he is not the typical gay that you’ll meet, he was the sophisticated, snob type.
After a few meet up at the ‘tambayan’, BBQ gathering, Sunday ‘basketball games’ and pizza after the game at Rock Island Cafe, we started to click together. Aside from he was a good friend to my late ex-husband, I just started to really like him.
But I became really close to Ikoy when my life in Palau was upside-down, he was there when all the friends I know turned their back on me, I remember asking him a favor to watch my son DJ while I work and he did. He was the only one who have the guts to tell me the truth that my ex was cheating on me.
So, he was the only friend I had during my hard times in Palau, then he told me about his plan of leaving the island and finding a better opportunity here in the U.S., I was really sad I almost want to tell him not to go. But I know he wants nothing but a new outlook in life and help his family to the best that he can. He was a wonderful person that he understood my situation and he introduced me to his group of friends, I remember him telling me, “these are real people who will help you when you are in need and will accept you for who you are”, sure thing they are, I still would love to see them when I go back to the island, hopefully they’re still there (Rogie, Luloy, Juvie and Chaps). I had great times with them, I remember Halloween of 2001 we party ’till morning, after leaving Port Area at around midnight, my 5 passenger Toyota Landcruiser became 9 or ten passenger (LOL!), it was so much fun everyone was laughing even though they were squeezed at the back end of the car.
That was the last party we had he even said that’s worth a ‘dispedida party’ for him, he was all set, I asked him so where you going? Do you have family there? He aswered me “Bahala na (Whatever happens), Topo-topo barrega when I get there”, I can see the determination in his face.
One week later, we had our last drink together at ’Storyboard Bar & Grill’, in our conversation that night, he was the first one who gave me an idea of coming here in the U.S., he told me to apply for a U.S. Visa. With my life so wacked at that time, that thought didn’t even cross my mind. But I remember answering him, “I will keep that in mind”, then he told me to look for him when I get here. I gave him a hug,warm wishes, and goodluck, that was the last time I saw my good friend Ikoy.
I looked all over for him, when I got here. Finally, I was able to get hold of him sometime 2004, a year before the devastating Hurricane Katrina, I’m in California and he was down in New Orleans. We just said “hi and hellos”, we didnt get to talk for very long because we both have jobs and he kept changing his cellphone almost every three months. The longest conversation we had was August 2005, the day before Hurricane Katrina. I was worried about him, I told him to move out of New Orleans, and he said ‘no, they (his co-workers and friends) will be staying there, that it shouldn’t be so bad’, the next day, after seeing in the news about what happened to the City of New Orleans, I was calling him but to no avail. All I can do that time was pray for his safety. I tried everyday to get hold of him, it was two weeks after Katrina, I received a call from him.
He survived Hurricane Katrina, I heard one of the most traumatic real-life story of a person who survived mother nature’s fury. He was crying the whole time he was talking on the phone. I told him he can stop if its too hard for him to share it, he said “no, it will make me feel better if I can let it all out of my chest”, he survived 5 days of no food, he was just drinking the dirty flood. All he has was the blanket that he grabbed from the flash flood. It was afternoon of the fifth day being on top of the roof, when he was finally rescued by a helicopter. He said if he wasnt rescued that day, he would have not last another day, he said he saw several body of dead people in the water passing by him. The third day he said he was dillusional, he said he is not going to survive and that his body will end up somewhere that his family wont even know where he’s at. But he was thankful that he survived, he said that was a life experience he will never forget. His hardship battle didn’t end there. be continued
Friday, August 21, 2009
Remembering Ninoy
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Learning The Apps
1st follower ni Charing, YEY!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Charing going cocoNUT (buko) over facebuko
facebuko FOR LIFE!
Tinuturuan ko sya mag facebook the other day, when we came across on one of the link facebuko, and sabi nya klik mo yung become a fan, then she said 'weyt, weyt wag na lang baka maging bentilador (fan) tayo', I can't help but to LMAO!
So, we open the facebuko and 'ta dan!' Aling Charing is a big fan! Sabi nya from now on magfe-facebuko na raw sya everyday. And I second the motion..ahihi! Bat' nga ba kailangan pang pag aralan ang facebook sabi ni Charing kung meron naman daw facebuko na mas maiintindihan daw nya. Kaya naman ginawan namin sya ng profile nya sa facebuko (well, not really profile) pra makapag comment daw sya sa woll, and we did pra alam nyo babaengTagabukid is Charing's a.k.a sa facebuko.
Sa lahat ng NoyPi pino-promote ni Aling Charing ang facebuko...hehehe. Masarap, nakakatanggal ng uhaw pwede i-sif kahit saang internit, basta raw meron kayong buko juice on the side while reading and siffing inside facebuko
To Jonas (the author of facebuko) your brilliant! Buti na lang prends tayo at magkapamilya sa Mafia. Now, Aling Charing is wanting to learn about the apps Mafia Wars, Restaurant City and mga tagalog only Quizzes. Oh Great, I'm sure dun naman ma-a-adik si Aling Charing once matutunan nya...ahihi!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Charing-GO la ni Pepe
Charing's son didn't really understood it before, he was only 7yrs old then. He didn't think that his Mom's answer to him was deeper than his questions. All he wants back then was to reach the sky like a kite, with freedom to fly his wings...nothing to stop him.
But now that his 30yrs old, he fully understood what his Mom meant when she said that. For him she was right, he needs to strive and work hard to be able to meet his goals. He finished college but with the system they have in the Philippines finding a job is not about WHAT YOU KNOW its all about 'WHO YOU KNOW'.
I guess nowadays nothing really works right unless you have a network of people that you know and trust your abilities. He was wondering what if he was a very shy type of person? What would happen to him? Will he be ignored even if he has the full potential and abilities rather than someone who talks a lot and sell himself just to get a job?
Charing has no answers to his questions...sad but its true. Shouldn't we have a qualifications to follow and background check to know who really qualifies for a certain job? Hopefully it will be answered sometime...who knows?
Charing introduced her storyteller
This is a short story (its not a gossip, promise!) about Charing's storyteller your very own e!, Eryca, my Dad used to call me Cinderella, when I was a kid they call me 'Ekang or Kikay'. Have fun reading.
I’m not really a big fan of ‘WRITING’. Although, I think writing has been an on and off part of me (parang gf and bf relationship, walang commitment, pag medyo nagsawa na cool-off na!)
I never imagine myself to become a writer, but a big break came when I went to Palau, I guess I just dont have a choice at that time. But DANG! Let me tell you, I was writing 10-25 articles per week (OH Thank GOD! that island was so lay back, that newspaper comes out bi-weekly then), how I managed to do that I dont know! LOL! Honestly, I surprised myself as well, I’m not bragging but I remember telling my publisher that what we are publishing is not a newspaper, it should be a newletter, because base on what I’ve studied newspaper is supposed to be current events, like fresh from today, if you published it a day or more ago then it becomes history.
But it doesn’t matter on that island because its so hard to get some bits, nothing major is really happening aside from family and clan events or their major holiday, crime is very rare either. That’s the only place in the world (I think? I’m not so positive!), that a presidential candidate can stand in the middle of the intersection WITHOUT bodyguards to wave and campaign and will still be safe and healthy at the end of the day.
Anyway, going back to writing, from a bi-weekly newspaper “Tia Belau” became weekly, then after 6months If I remember it right, because of my excellent writing and reporting skills (lifting my own chair…hep! dont even say a word..LOL!), we were publishing ‘twice a week’, take note from bi-weekly, I made the paper come out twice a week (Wednesday & Saturday). I cannot believed myself how I did that…but I did.
That’s when I realized I can write, it was hard but it was fun, I like the prestige that comes with it too! Well, my writing career only lasted for 11 months, I didnt get any increase in pay, so I decided to change my job.
I think writing is fun and easy if you put your heart to it, but to some people its just a piece of cake because they are born to write. There are also some who are gifted, they are meant to be writers. If I’m going to classify myself, I’m neither of the two, I’m not gifted nor born to be a writer.
For me writing is pleasure, writing is something that I enjoy to do and not I’m obligated to do. I’m so glad that they invented blogging, because I think that’s what I like to do, I’m a ’sort’ of a writer when I blog. I just wish I have something to blog about everyday. Well, with Charing's help I may have a lot of stories ahead. As well as my followers (if I will have any..hehehe).
Oh by the way, thanks for the interview Charing!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Haven't been here for ages
K, I'm back...maybe....I'll see....not really sure. OK,think I'll be more motivated to write this time but I don't have followers..oh well, who cares I'll blog whenever I feel like it. Maybe even if its just to write something about the VERY EXPENSIVE DINNER of Philippine President Gloria Arroyo (there we go, I'll definitely BURST!), anyway, while millions of Filipino people starving or struggling to put something on their table, their President is a having a $20,000 dinner at Le Cirque in New York. I'll end this one with the video below.
Sa mga kababayan ko ka-isa nyo ko sa pag sigaw ng "KAPAL NG MUKHA MO GLORIA!"